PostProcessGCode [Type] inputfile [outputfile] [Type] None: Only resolve Rostock301 annoyancies - done for any [Type] [Type] {S|Segm} {Z|Zbra} {S|Segm} Choose extruders per segment {Z|Zbra} Change extruders per vertical bands over your model When omitting outputfile, outpufile=inputfilename + "_PostProcessed" Log information from screen is also saved in inputfilename+".log" -------------------- Params: Segm nr_of_segments angle_offset X_center_coord Y_center_coord {extruder_serie} number_of_segments {2-...} #pie slices to divide your model into angle_offset {1-359} counter clock wise shift of all pie slices XY_center_coord center point of all pie slices {extruder_serie} {(T.)+} as many extruder definitions as number_of_segments Example: PostPRocessGCode S 3 45 0 0 T0 T1 T2 mymodel.gcode This will use T0/1/2 for visible Gcode lines ending in the segments 45-164°/165-284°/285-44° around centerpoint (0,0) -------------------- Params: Zbra stripesize [s|stripes] stripetype start stop {extruder serie} stripesize number of or size of stripes expressed in unit stripetype s|stripes { 1-...} #stripes will be equally divided over your specified range stripetype {l|layers, s|stripes, m|mm} l|layers { 1-...} swap each #layers from extruder m|mm {0.01-...} each #mm a new extruder will be used start/stop {1-...} range to process {extruder_serie} {(T.)+} as many extruder definitions as number_of_segments Example: Postprocessing Zbra 15 layers 1 9999 T0 T1 T2 T1 mymodel mymodel_zbra.gcode Make 15 layer big changes starting from first layer until layer 9999 (or end of model) Example: Postprocessing Zbra 5 s mm 10 22 T0 T1 mymodel.gcode Make 5 equal stripes from 10mm to 22mm, extruders T0 T1 T0 T1 T0 Example: Postprocessing Zbra 2 mm 12 40 T2 T1 T2 in.gcode out.gcode Make extruder change each 2mm between 12 and 40mm high (results in 1/3 T1, 2/3 T2) PS: Zbra deletes all extruder switches from the inputfile that it encounters in its range. -------------------- Segmentation is in practise not clean cutting between extruders; but bleeding one into that other. High number of segments results in a pretty equal mix of all defined colors (50/50, 33/33/33), unless maybe when you have a pretty large circumference. Zbra is especially nice on slopes. Alternating colors give a wood grain effect.